Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Playing Roles for a Real Education

Who is involved? International Baccalaureate Organization
Who does/did the situation affect? Kids all over the world
Who said so? Christina Shunnarah
What is happening? The International Baccalaureate Organization is changing the education technique, focusing on how they can interact with the kids to make learning easier and more rememorable. This also helps the kids that are going through a lot in there life.
What did happen? They started the new learning technique and seen great improvement for the kids.
What are the consequences? There are not any consequences.
What is different about this? The kids are actually learning more,through just playing games and communicating with others more.
What are the choices? To see how this learning system works, or just stick to the way the kid used to learn.
When did or will this happen? A couple of years ago.
When was this discovered? It began to grow when the learning system was really working and schools were adopting the new system.
Where did or will this happen? This happened in Manhattan.
Why did this happen or will it happen? The International Baccalaureate Organization thouoght that it had to be a different way to teach kids who weren't learning the usual way.
How did it or will it happen? They had a meeting discussing all the new ways they could teach kids who found it difficult to learn.
How much does it cost? A leap of faith
How many people does this affect? Every child that isincluded in this new learning system.
How do you feel about this? I feel that itis good thatsomeoneisstarting to realize that there needs to be a new way of leaning for people who just don't catch on as easily as others, but at the same time aren't being labeled as slow.

Their Lead:This past weekend my colleagues and I gave a presentation at the Performing the World conference in Manhattan, which brought together educators, artists, therapists, scholars and activists from dozens of countries who are interested in using performance and drama in a variety of ways.

My lead: I have gathered educators, artists, therapists, scholars and activists to give a presentatiion at the Performing the World conference in Manhattan to come up with anew way to teach kids.


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