Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Student Profile

  1. What are your goals for the future? Going to college
  2. Do you have an afterschool job? No
  3. What's your favorite class? Criminal Justice
  4. What's you favorite elective? Journalism
  5. Are you in any afterschool programs? Yes
  6. Are your grades good? So far yes, and I plan on keeping it that way.
  7. What do you think makes a successful person? What ever that personn think successful means to them. Meaning for instance, I think education makes a person successful, but someone else may think a job makes them successful
  8. Name three things you like about your school? First off I love the food, second the courses, there's a lot of options to choose from, and last but not least, my friends.
  9. Are you a person who gives to the community? How? Yes, Im in a program called RAK. And in the program we go to senior citizen home and serve food and read books. It's really enjoyable.
  10. What do you think is your weakest subject? Geomentry
  11. What is you strongest subject? Biology
  12. Do you plan on going to college? Yes, but im not sure which college I want to go to yet.
  13. Are you a study freak or a party animal? Im really something in the middle. I don't really party but I hang out with friends a lot, but I try my best to study.
  14. Do you have any role models that you look up to when it comes to education? Mom, she's always there when I need her.
  15. What are you studying to become? Photographer
  16. Do you have people supporting oyur goals? How? Yes, my father. He's always buying me things that help me move farther in the major I want to take up.
  17. Do you play any sports? No, not at the moment.
  18. Are you a team player, not just in sports, but in everything you do? Yes
  19. Would you call yourself a role model? Why? Sometimes, because I try to set an example by always putting school first.
  20. What do you think makes a good student? Someone who has educational goals.

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