Tuesday, October 28, 2008

10/24-Transplanted cornea still sees after 123 years

Who is involved? Bernt Aune.
Who does/did the situation affect? The one with the old eye.
Who said so? Bernt Aune.
What is happening? She is seeing how long can a organ live.
What did happen? After 123 years of being alive someone can still see.
What are the consequences? The treatment not working.
What is different about this? People usually die at the age of 100 and this person is 123 and still can see and is alive.
What are the choices? To take the treatment and hope that it works or don't take it.
When did or will this happen? This began to happen in 1958 .
When was this discovered? Thurs., Oct. 23, 2008
Where did or will this happen? Namsos Hospital, Mid-Norway.
Why did this happen or will it happen? This happened because the man was loosing his sight and he didn't want to loose all of it so he went through a treatment.
How did it or will it happen? This began to happen because the man was aging.
How much does it cost? This is really expensive to get.
How many people does this affect? Only the people that gets it.
How do you feel about this? I feel that it's good that theres something out there that can help elderly people see better wen they're aging.

10/20 Prewriting

1. In "To be a successful reporter" what are the six qualities a good journalist must possess? A good reporter is a generalist, quick, curious, pleasant, honest, and courageous. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer for each. I agree because being a generalist you must have plenty of strong ideas that back up your story. You also have to be quick so you can get the best news. Being curious has alot to do with being a reporter because to make your story even more interesting you have to start thinking of the what if's. Pleasant- people are willing to give out more information to people that are kind while doing their job. Being honest is the most inportant thing, always make sure you don't lie about anything or keep something out that should be there. Having courage is having faith that you know you can do the job, and we all need that.

2. In "The nature of news" what is Charles A. Dana's definition of what is news? "Anything that interests a large part of the community and has never been brought to its attention before." What are the seven main factors that help them determine if an event has consequence? Impact, Proximity, Timeliness, Prominence, Novelty, Conflict, and Audience.

3. In "The art of interviewing—part 1" and "The art of interviewing—part 2" what are the three ways to gather information? Research, Observation, and Interviewing. What are the 23 helpful ways to get a good interview? Being prepared and having a good interview, ask good questions, choose a topic that you're comfortable with and know you can come up with plenty questions, phrase your questions in a neutral way, decide how you will dress, think of interview as a friendly conversation, try to establish a rapport with the person early on, look the subject in the eye and listen carefully to his/her answers, when the source is speaking seem really interrested, observe and record the person's body language, mannerisms, dress, physical features, distinctive characteristics and interactions with others, Focus on what the source is saying, not on what you will ask next, don't interrupt, don't ask long questions, don't talk too much, don't challenge too early in the conversation, control your physical actions and mental attitude, begin with easy questions, perhaps biographical ones, if the subject takes the interview in an unexpected direction, go with her/him, make accuracy your goal, tell the subject you will be calling back later to check facts, tape record the conversation if time permits and the story demands, Assume that the conversation is "on the record", direct quotes from your subject are essential for your story, make sure the quote is revealing of your subject, often the advice given for interviewing makes it sound like a game of wits with your subject, and figure that there is material that your subject knows, will tell you and will let you report.

4. Summarize, in your own words, "Harvesting the news". Must be 5 sentences. In Harvesting the news it really gets down to business finding hard evidence. It shows what a good story is and not. It gathers lots of informaton. It has all the levels to confind you what's the best. It's basically here to ask the 5 W's.

5. Summarize, in your own words, "The human touch". Must be 5 sentences. In The Human Touch you must be really friendly and can talk piltely with others. You have to be really careful not to get too attached to the story also. It's good to have an opinion but don't take it any further than that. You will have to translate a lot of jargon. Take down all the information you get, because it could be strong enough to change your whole story.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Canadian Teenagers Shed Angry,Rebellious Image

SOFT: Kids now a days are big risk takers. They get peer-pressured into doing a lot of things they're not suppose to do like smoking and drunking and skipping school. The kids who have a good relationship with their parents are shown to be harder workers in school and behave even better because they want their parents to continue trusting them and they don't want them to be disappointed.

Ban Food Advertisements Aimed At Kids

SOFT: Kids who end up smokers or fat usually just sat in the house watching television everyday. Its because of the adverticement that kids decide they want to eat more. It's not fair to the kids and what it wold do to their health. All the lossing weight commercials aren't helping either, it's basically saying eat unhealthy until you're obesity then come to us and we'll get you skinny again. A lot of people fall into that trap then discover that all the advertisement wasn't what it was said to be.

Get Bodies In Motion

HARD:Kids are becoming obesity because in their childhood all they really do is eat and play. Where is the exercising? Where is the sports? Kids think that sports is basically all around being fit and not having fun. That is indeed true, but it also creates a balance. A balance between work and play. Eeveryone doesn't like to get into sports too, but exercising is never wrong. Obesity lowers self confindence and to gain that self confidence the only key is, physical activity.

Teens Hardwire To Sleep More

HARD:Teens are not getting as much sleep as they need to due to the fact of homework and after school activities. Parents are being to soft. It's all about finding out the solution to this kind of problem. Parents need to find out what activities are keeping their child up. Teens don't care about what time they go to bed, but what kills them is what time they have to get up.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

G.O.P. Facing Tougher Battle for Congress

Who is involved? Senator Elizabeth Dole.

Who does/did the situation affect? The People of the United States.


What is happening? As the election day get closer Obama and McCain is trying to win as many votes as possible.

What did happen? Democrats could gain as many as six to nine Senate seats and 25 to 30 House seats.

What are the consequences? It would push Senate Democrats tantalizingly close to the filibuster-proof 60-vote majority that has eluded Senate leaders since the late 1970s.

What is different about this? Many people are changing their vote.

What are the choices? To Vote for Obama or McCain.

When did or will this happen? October 2008.

When was this discovered? October 8, 2008.

Where did or will this happen? North Carolina, Kentucky.

Why did this happen or will it happen? This is happening because the candidates are being pressured because the election day is almost here.

How did it or will it happen? The candidates are testing each other.

How much does it cost? One candidates role.

How many people does this affect? The USA.

How do you feel about this? I feel that it is important to the candidates to speak what they believe in and trty there best to get people to see it there way too.

THEIR LEAD: The economic upheaval is threatening to topple Republican Congressional candidates, putting more Senate and House seats within Democratic reach less than a month before the elections, lawmakers and campaign strategists say.

MY LEAD: Things are starting to become more difficult as Senate and House seats within Democratic is less than it was a month ago.


Playing Roles for a Real Education

Who is involved? International Baccalaureate Organization
Who does/did the situation affect? Kids all over the world
Who said so? Christina Shunnarah
What is happening? The International Baccalaureate Organization is changing the education technique, focusing on how they can interact with the kids to make learning easier and more rememorable. This also helps the kids that are going through a lot in there life.
What did happen? They started the new learning technique and seen great improvement for the kids.
What are the consequences? There are not any consequences.
What is different about this? The kids are actually learning more,through just playing games and communicating with others more.
What are the choices? To see how this learning system works, or just stick to the way the kid used to learn.
When did or will this happen? A couple of years ago.
When was this discovered? It began to grow when the learning system was really working and schools were adopting the new system.
Where did or will this happen? This happened in Manhattan.
Why did this happen or will it happen? The International Baccalaureate Organization thouoght that it had to be a different way to teach kids who weren't learning the usual way.
How did it or will it happen? They had a meeting discussing all the new ways they could teach kids who found it difficult to learn.
How much does it cost? A leap of faith
How many people does this affect? Every child that isincluded in this new learning system.
How do you feel about this? I feel that itis good thatsomeoneisstarting to realize that there needs to be a new way of leaning for people who just don't catch on as easily as others, but at the same time aren't being labeled as slow.

Their Lead:This past weekend my colleagues and I gave a presentation at the Performing the World conference in Manhattan, which brought together educators, artists, therapists, scholars and activists from dozens of countries who are interested in using performance and drama in a variety of ways.

My lead: I have gathered educators, artists, therapists, scholars and activists to give a presentatiion at the Performing the World conference in Manhattan to come up with anew way to teach kids.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Obama leads in spending as well as polls

Who is involved? Obama and McCain
Who does/did the situation affect? The people of the United States.
Who said so? The Associated Press
What is happening? Obama and McCain are goign head to head in a debate.
What did happen? McCain accuses Obama of being associatedwith a terrorist, Obama says that McCain is just trying to score cheap points.
What are the consequences? The consequences were Obama letting McCain know the truth and letting him deal with the rest.
What is different about this? The election is getting so close and they are trying to win over the people with all they got.
What are the choices? To play by the rules or not.
When did or will this happen? Monday, Oct. 6, 2008
When was this discovered? Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2008
Where did or will this happen? On a TV advertising
Why did this happen or will it happen? They are trying to put everything out for the election on November 4, 2008
How did it or will it happen? Obama and McCain were having a debate
How much does it cost? One of the canidates points too go down
How many people does this affect? Everyone in the USA
How do you feel about this? I feel that it's good that they are putting everything onthe table,because its better to get everything thing cleared up before the election.

Their Lead:WASHINGTON - Democrat Barack Obama is far outspending Republican John McCain in TV advertising, allowing him to better target the swing voters who will decide the presidential election and to take a more positive pitch as his lead widens in the polls.

My Lead: Democrat Barack Obama is spending a lot more money on TV advertising, allowing him to get more people to vote for him.While McCain is behind Obama trying to score as many cheap shots as possible.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Types of Article

  1. News-Campaign '08 http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/
  2. Editorial-Sticking it to California http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-ed-pact6-2008oct06,0,1816550.story
  3. Feature-Painted with light http://articles.latimes.com/2008/mar/27/home/hm-arnoldi27

warm up 10/07

  1. lead- to go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort
  2. body- the principal part of a speech or document, minus introduction, conclusion, indexes, etc.
  3. quotation- something that is quoted
  4. transition- movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc.
  5. inverted pyramid- a metaphor used to illustrate how information should be arranged or presented within a text
  6. feature- a column, cartoon, etc., appearing regularly in a newspaper or magazine.

The Art of the Interview, ESPN-Style

  1. You are hoping that the person being interviewed is a good talker
  2. Knows how to do something with your inept question
  3. Keep questions short and avoid charged words

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Student Profile

  1. What are your goals for the future? Going to college
  2. Do you have an afterschool job? No
  3. What's your favorite class? Criminal Justice
  4. What's you favorite elective? Journalism
  5. Are you in any afterschool programs? Yes
  6. Are your grades good? So far yes, and I plan on keeping it that way.
  7. What do you think makes a successful person? What ever that personn think successful means to them. Meaning for instance, I think education makes a person successful, but someone else may think a job makes them successful
  8. Name three things you like about your school? First off I love the food, second the courses, there's a lot of options to choose from, and last but not least, my friends.
  9. Are you a person who gives to the community? How? Yes, Im in a program called RAK. And in the program we go to senior citizen home and serve food and read books. It's really enjoyable.
  10. What do you think is your weakest subject? Geomentry
  11. What is you strongest subject? Biology
  12. Do you plan on going to college? Yes, but im not sure which college I want to go to yet.
  13. Are you a study freak or a party animal? Im really something in the middle. I don't really party but I hang out with friends a lot, but I try my best to study.
  14. Do you have any role models that you look up to when it comes to education? Mom, she's always there when I need her.
  15. What are you studying to become? Photographer
  16. Do you have people supporting oyur goals? How? Yes, my father. He's always buying me things that help me move farther in the major I want to take up.
  17. Do you play any sports? No, not at the moment.
  18. Are you a team player, not just in sports, but in everything you do? Yes
  19. Would you call yourself a role model? Why? Sometimes, because I try to set an example by always putting school first.
  20. What do you think makes a good student? Someone who has educational goals.